Dear parents and caregivers,

The children from Foundation to Year 5 are very excited to be presenting items for our End of Year Concert. The items will have an ‘Australiana’ theme in 2019.
When:      This Friday 29th November at 10:00am
Where:     On the artificial grass near the Year 9 classroom there will be a stage
Why:         To celebrate our talents and have fun
What else: Primary students can remain in their costume all day if they wish
Some food will be available between 9am and 10am for parents who have dropped their children at school and are waiting for the Concert to commence.
The Concert will be outside so please bring hats for the family. There will be limited shelter for the adults. Chairs will be available.
Most of the Year 6 to 9 students were not keen to perform and so they will have lessons as usual on Friday morning.
Kind regards,
Racha Makki and Chris Riemann